You know how it's become a sort of cliche/folk-economics to say that "You should pay your workers enough so that they can buy the product you sell?" It's supposed to be what gave Henry Ford I his tremendous success with the Model T, and has become a staple of union bargaining.
For a recent example of this line of thought, here's none other than (former Secretary of Labor) Robert Reich arguing it, complete with reference to the Model T story.
Well, it recently occurred to me how underpaid I am. My employer modifies and sells large aircraft. No way can I afford that!!!
Did somebody say "raise"?
(This post made entirely without use of the mouse -- including for looking up and copying over links -- thanks to the use of the Firefox Pentadactyl extension. Give it a whirl!)
Addendum: To clarify, Boeing is not my employer, just a synecdoche for large aircraft manufacturers in general.
Pentadactyl's a lot less catchy than Vimperator.
It works both ways, too.
I'm a PhD student studying the murine microbiome, which basically means I study poop. Does this mean my university is justified in paying me crap?
Well in my case, this is actually what happens... its called a grad student stipend.
I agree that being able to afford what your company produces would be ideal.
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