Wednesday, April 1, 2020

An HTTP status code to say "you messed up but I'll handle your request anyway"

So apparently, the Internet Engineering Task Force is going to introduce a new HTTP status code. Just like there's the 404 for "File not found", we're soon going to have "397 Tolerating", similar to a redirect.

The way it would work is, if you send a request that violates some standard, but the server can identify the probable intent of your request, it will reply with a "397 Tolerating" to say, "oh, you messed up, and here's how, but I'm going to reply to what I think you meant".

This is much better than the options we had before, which were either a) unnecessarily reject the request, or b) silently reply to the intended meaning but with no notice that was happening. This lets you tell the client you're tolerating their garbage!

My contact at IETF send me an early draft of the RFC, which you can access at the link below.

RFC 8969: HTTP Status Code 397: Tolerating

Pastebin Link


julia said...
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Chris Mark said...

I never knew there was an HTTP status code that conveys the message you messed up but I'll handle your request anyway. It's fascinating how the web constantly evolves to cater to various scenarios. Speaking of handling requests, sometimes we all need a little help, which is why I love the idea of finding someone to pay someone to do my homework It's refreshing to know that there are services available to assist when we need it the most.

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WilliamJones said...
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Asley Patricia said...
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Asley Patricia said...
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wood said...
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Marsha Kaplan said...

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